Our Coaches

Phil Crawley
A highly experienced former English boxer with over 60 Olympic-style bouts under his belt and ABA certification, Phil has made Perth his new home for the last 12 years. Ever since then, he has been coaching at our club, bringing a welcome variety of new training ideas and techniques to upcoming fighters.
Phil works with boxers on their level with the goal of helping them ascend, and is always looking to find new training methods and techniques to keep his sessions fresh. Phil has great motivational skills that can help lift a boxer in times of need. From coaching at his former club (Stoke City) in England, Phil has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Premier boxing club.

Richard Davis
Richard has competed against and trained fellow boxers for over 35 years. He is passionate about the sport due to his decades of experience in coaching athletes, and ranks as one of the new trend of modern boxing coaches who work at the forefront of new techniques and coaching styles.
Richard is a nationally registered boxing coach with Boxing Australia, as well as a registered level two coach with the national coaching accreditation scheme. He has coached state, national and international-level boxers over the last 20 years
Richard believes that the future of boxing in Western Australia lies in the juniors, and thus is actively leading the way creating those young champions with the introduction of the Australia’s first graded boxing system to help Kids progress.
Richards has written and published a book on boxing.

Daniel has competed against and trained fellow boxers for over 35 years. He is passionate about the sport due to his decades of experience in coaching athletes, and ranks as one of the new trend of modern boxing coaches who work at the forefront of new techniques and coaching styles.
Saturday 9am – 10am
A fast pace fun class with lots of oohing and arring to much for the boys to handle, there will be lots punching, lots of abs and core, plenty of legs, bums and loads of shoulders.